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Investment Strategy

One-stop taxi licence investment and management

A taxi licence is considered a stable and long-term investment as it generates regular monthly income and has the potential to rise in market value. It is critical to appoint a trusted, long-established and reputable taxi company to help with your investment. Chung Shing Taxi has a 45-year history, and Chung Shing Taxi Management Limited under the group provides investors with one-stop taxi investment and management services, including investment planning and consultancy. Investors enjoy four major advantages.

Investor Enjoy Four Major Advantages

  • Permanent

    Permanent asset is resilient to price falls

    There are 18,163 taxi licences in Hong Kong: 15,250 urban taxi licences, 2,838 New Territories licences and 75 Lantau Island taxi licences. The Hong Kong government has not issued new urban or New Terrorities licences since 1998. Investors interested in a taxi licence need not worry about values being impacted by a surge in numbers. The taxi licence is a permanent asset with no term limits and can be traded freely.

  • Stable Returns

    Stable returns, stress-free management

    A taxi is an important means of transportation that gives the owner of a taxi licence a stable income generated from monthly taxi rental. Chung Shing Taxi manages taxi rental for owners so that they do not need to worry about finding a driver for their taxi, or taxi repair and maintenance issues. Chung Shing Taxi also issues owners with a monthly invoice detailing cost breakdown of all items.

  • Fast Transaction

    A swift transaction at low cost

    The procedure to transfer a taxi licence is very simple and takes only 15 minutes for both the seller and buyer to complete at the Transport Department. Unlike dealing with a property transaction which incurs expensive stamp duty, brokerage and legal fees, it takes little time and cost to transfer and cash out on a taxi licence. The fee to transfer a taxi licence is only $1,000.

  • High LTV

    Small down payment, high mortgage ratio

    According to Hong Kong Monetary Fund guidelines, the maximum amount of mortgage loan from a bank or financial institution is 85% of the cost of a taxi licence and taxi vehicle at market value. The buyer needs to pay a minimum down payment of 15% to purchase a taxi licence and become a taxi owner.

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