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Founding History

Having the Foresight to Recognise Potential

The story of Chung Shing Taxi begins with Cheng Hak-wo, who saw the potential for huge growth back in the 1970s. In 1976, he bought dozens of taxis and 14-seat mini-buses to set up the company. Three years later, Mr Cheng opened an office in Kiang Su Street, To Kwa Wan, to begin his taxi trading and financing business. As the taxi company grew rapidly, Mr Cheng relocated his office to a bigger site in Ngan Hon Street, To Kwa Wan, and added taxi repair and maintenance services to his business scope. By then, Chung Shing owned more than 100 taxis, and Mr Cheng had been crowned the Taxi King.

Driving Growth and Development of the Industry

Throughout its more than 45 years of history, Chung Shing Taxi has survived and thrived
despite various economic hardships in Hong Kong, from the riots in 1983 to the financial
crash of 1997 and SARS in 2003, and more. Cheng Hak-wo has managed to turn crisis into
opportunity every time. He doesn’t just run his business for profit but also seeks to enhance
the operating environment of the industry and raise service quality in Hong Kong. In this
way, he is devoted to achieving a "win-win-win", for his company, for the industry and for

Mr. CHENG Hak-wo, M.H.
Mr. CHENG Hak-wo, M.H.
Chung Shing Taxi Limited - Founder

Over the years, Cheng Hak-wo has spearheaded many initiatives to bring better taxi services to Hong Kong.

Cheng Hak-wo's hard work and contribution to the taxi industry was recognised by the Hong Kong government in 2000, when the Taxi King received a Medal of Honour.

At present, the Group comprises Chung Shing Taxi Limited, Chung Shing Taxi Management Limited and Chung Shing Motor Repairing Centre Limited, providing a professional taxi rental management service, taxi trading as well as taxi maintenance and repair services to taxi owners and drivers.

  • Four-seater taxi

    In 1984, he negotiated with Daihatsu Motor Co to introduce the first four-seater taxi in Hong Kong. This not only reduced fuel consumption and hardware costs but also improved the operating environment.

  • LPG automated taxi

    In 1998, in view of the aggravating air and environmental pollution, Mr Cheng reached out to Toyota Motor Corporation to acquire dozens of LPG automated taxis for trial in Hong Kong. The successful trial was recognised by the Hong Kong government, which subsequently rolled out a subsidy of $40,000 to taxi owners for every purchase of an LPG taxi. Now more than 99% of taxis in Hong Kong use LPG.

  • Taxi GPS tracking

    In 2006, Mr Cheng brought in GPS tracking, taking the service to the next level. With the installation of a tailored GPS tracking system in each taxi, taxi drivers and passengers find it easier to identify the fastest and safest route to the destination.

Leading Innovation and Keeping Up with the Times